Rita’s Random Fic Recs – Sunday Special!


He’s back! He’s back!

OH, MY GOD! Mercward is back!!!ROB ATTACK(banner by Beffers87)


Gravity Investigations, busy as always, takes a protection detail that results in more than just a paycheck. Edward and Bella, separated by 70 floors of Twi Tech Tower, must fight to stop what could be an act of war. 5th in the Gravity Series. Canon Couples, AH.

Rated: Fiction M – English – Adventure/Romance – Words: 5,587 – Reviews: 56 – Favs: 109 – Follows: 134 – Published: 3h ago – id: 12697311

Today we were interviewing for a new Gravity employee. We’d tried our best to fill the hole that Kurt had left when he’d resigned after the whole thing in Russia. He and Irina were doing very well living in New York. And even though it had been two years since we’d told him good-bye, no one really wanted to replace him. However, we needed the extra person. 

Folding my arms across my chest, I listened to Alec give a watered-down version of what we do.

“Here at Gravity Investigations, we work on a few things – lost persons, cheating spouses, the occasional cold case where the client has nowhere else to go to find answers. We also take on security details, providing almost a bodyguard-type service to people in the entertainment industry, politics, or witness protection, though the latter isn’t the norm,” he explained to her, but I could see his face, hear his tone, and he wasn’t keen on her, so his next statement wasn’t a surprise. “We’ll be interviewing people the rest of the day, so we’ll be in touch. Thank you so much for coming all this way today. We’ll be making a decision in the next week. Okay?”

The next few interviews weren’t much different, and something about each one of them didn’t quite click for Alec, Bella, or me.

Alec picked up the last folder. “This is the last one, guys. Dean Carver. Actually, this one is the one I wanted you to talk to the most. I met this guy in Seattle while pulling a protection gig.” He handed the folder to me. “The guy is a former Marine. He’s been stationed every-fucking-where – Afghanistan, South Korea, Japan.”

“Dean,” Alec called him, and the gentlemen in question turned to face us. “C’mon in, man.”

Once the door was closed to Bella’s office, Alec gestured to each of us. “Dean Carver, meet Edward and Bella Cullen. They own and operate Gravity Investigations.”

“Nice to meet you,” he greeted, shaking our hands.

He waited until Bella sat down before taking a chair across the desk.

“I brought you in here today because I think you’d be a good addition to this crew, Dean. I’ve seen you work, and it’s similar to the way we do things. I know you’ve had some training. Tell us a bit about it,” Alec requested, sitting back in his chair.

Bella stayed quiet on this one, opting to listen as she flipped through his file.

“I was born here in Washington, played high school baseball until I discovered martial arts,” he started, and I could see this guy wasn’t loud or gruff. He was a bit like Jasper, soft-spoken and observant as fuck. “I joined the Marines right out of school. I did two tours, and I was stationed in Afghanistan, Japan, and South Korea. I was a part of an elite team. It didn’t have a name until about two years ago – Raiders. Navy has their SEALs, Army has their Green Berets, Marines classify themselves as elite to begin with, but they needed a recon team. That was us.”

“You’ve seen some ugly shit,” I pointed out, glancing over Bella’s shoulder at his file again.

“Ah, yeah, definitely, but so have you guys. Chopper pilot in Afghanistan. You’ve seen action, too.”

Alec smirked because Dean had been his pick from the beginning. I could tell Bella approved, because she sat forward and started to explain Gravity.

“Gravity started out as simply a PI service, but with the addition of these guys,” she started, gesturing to Alec and me, “we’ve been able to work other things into our abilities. We still do missing people, old cold cases that the local authorities couldn’t solve, and yeah, the occasional cheating spouse. But we also have the capability to provide some protection services here and there. We work mainly with Twi Tech – Edward’s father is the CEO – and he’ll request us to protect entertainers, political figures, or himself should he need it.”

I smirked at the last part, because Bella sugared up and glossed over some pretty ugly history, but it was true nonetheless.

“I think you’d be a good fit, Dean. I think you’ll bring a different and more global perspective to the table,” she concluded. “Alec will go over everything with you and get you set up with Alice.”

We both shook hands with Dean, welcoming him to the crew.

Oh, boy! You can’t go wrong with a hunky dude named Dean, now can you *wink!*

Deb’s promisin’ Sunday updates so hang on tight…we’re in for a wild ride!


And because one rec is never enough…ROB ATTACK(banner by IpsitaC77)


“Steal a beauty’s soul, present it to me in a glass jar, and I’ll think about letting you rule the Twilight kingdoms.”

Rated: Fiction M – English – Fantasy/Romance – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 13 – Words: 14,949 – Reviews: 457 – Favs: 171 – Follows: 387 – Updated: Oct 19 – Published: Oct 2 – id: 12674357

The first twin was silent. The second wailed with the lungs of a songster.

Both were given utmost care—bathed, checked and bundled—but when the crown prince was presented before a grieving king, he took one look at the bronze curls, his wife’s beauty wasted on a malformed monster, and gave an order.

The second twin was placed in the golden cradle. The first was given to the royal herbalist whose wife could not conceive.

The king held his queen’s pale hand, still warm, and none dared to disturb his quiet. Servants tiptoed outside the chambers, carrying away bloody sheets, clicking their tongues in pity and cooing at the golden-haired child in the royal cradle, a prince with all the markings of regality.

Amidst the fuss, the initial records were forgotten. A midwife carelessly tucked the paper together with a stack of other never-again-to-be-seen documents, its top edges protruding from the file.

Her scrawl was visible, the spelling from the lands beyond but clear as day:

crowne prinz, bronz o’ haer

Truly, I wasn’t plannin’ to start another WIP but Ara got me good with that last line…I was hooked!


And one more for the road…ROB ATTACK(banner by Moosals)


New neighbor Edward really gets Bella’s heart pumping, but what nightmarish secrets is he hiding? Will he ever let her in? Daddyward.

Rated: Fiction M – English – Drama/Romance – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 12 – Words: 33,995 – Reviews: 1,395 – Favs: 512 – Follows: 960 – Updated: Oct 19 – Published: Sep 11 – id: 12648636

As I pull into my driveway, I look over at the dark house next door, its lawn and shrubs overgrown and full of weeds. The widowed Mrs. Cope died shortly after I moved in last year. Her three children and seven grandchildren all live out of town, the nearest one in Seattle.

They’d been trying to sell her place for months. It needs a lot of work on the interior from what I remember; I’m not sure if Mrs. Cope had redecorated since the 1960s.

Needless to say, the old Cope house does sell, much to Bella’s joy…maybe!?!

I meet my girls at the diner.

“They’re here,” I announce.

“They?” Alice asks.

I nod. “A couple with an eight-month-old baby. Actually I haven’t met the wife yet. I don’t think she was home when I stopped by yesterday to bring them an apple pie.”

“You brought them a pie?” Alice giggles, snorting in her uncontrolled laughter. “That’s so Mom.”

“Who do you think I learned it from?” I retort. “Anyway, it made a good excuse to go check them out without appearing too nosy.”

“So tell us about the husband,” Angela prompts, taking a sip of her Diet Coke.

“Oh my God, he’s gorgeous!” I gush. “Like, seriously, the best looking man to ever set foot in Forks.”

“He’s taken, Bella,” Angela chides in her teacher’s voice.

“I’m aware of that! I can still look though, can’t I?” I defend myself.

I don’t see the harm in drooling over Edward, as long as I’m not as obvious about it as I probably was last night.

“So where are they from?” Alice asks.

“Get this: Chicago.”

“And they moved to Forks?” she asks the million dollar question.

“I know, right? Edward didn’t give me an explanation.”

“Edward? That’s his name? Sounds more like a grandpa than the hottest guy in Forks,” Alice comments.

“You wouldn’t scoff if you’d seen him.”

But the wife is strangely absent and the mystery of why that should be occupies Bella more than is healthy!

This is my first serious excursion into RobzBeanie territory but it ain’t gonna be the last LOL!


Oh, wait! You guys would probably like a COMPLETE rec, right?

Oooh, I got the best of the best for you with the sequel to Old School!ROB ATTACK (banner by Patrizia Adamo)


Even a superhero has to pull on his tights one leg at a time. An “Old School” sequel as told by Umbrella Man himself. Rated M because they can’t keep their hands off each other.

Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance – Chapters: 22 – Words: 71,224 – Reviews: 2,744 – Favs: 557 – Follows: 739 – Updated: Oct 18 – Published: May 29 – Status: Complete – id: 12508253

I enter the space with the combination of years of training and experience, instinct, and heart that I alone possess. And yet . . .

And yet.

Every session is its own organic being, a product of two people in relation to each other, at a given moment in time and physical and emotional space. I cannot control everything that happens inside these walls, nor would that be desirable. The artist cannot know what he is about to discover.

It is precisely the spark that lives outside the knowable that makes each encounter unique. The scariest is almost always the most compelling.

Bella tracks me with wide eyes as I approach, camera in hand. It’s not easy to set aside my feelings for my beautiful model, but at least my lust is at bay.

Click. This could go one of two ways. Luckily, she chooses to trust me. Her gaze flutters toward the ceiling, exposing her elegant neck to the camera. Click-click.

I capture the proud set of her shoulders with my lens.

I don’t rush her past this pivotal moment. Even as I shoot the images of her thoughtful stillness, I can tell they will be stunning. Shivers roll down my back.

In every successful session, there is a hinge, a point where the subject encounters a difficult truth. This moment rarely occurs at the beginning of the shoot. Even Bella, whose trust in me is extraordinary, needed time to warm to the situation. These junctures strike me as visceral sensations—a tingle at the back of my neck, a thump in my chest, a chill down my spine—often before either of us is consciously aware that something important is about to happen.

I’m not sure where Bella is heading with this, but her body language is a dead giveaway. She’s opened a door that feels dangerous to her, and I hold my breath as she steps through it.

Time slows down for me. Instinct kicks in. Zoom. Focus.Click.

God, what a rush!

I am deeply convinced Old School and A Big Enough Umbrella should be published for the widest audience possible AND, with a sprinklin’ of Fate’s magic, be adapted for film to show the whole world what the simple act of sharin’ an umbrella can get you!

How’s everybody been doin’? What fics are keepin’ you up readin’ all night?


Happy Sunday!




Filed under Fan Fiction Recs, Rita01tx

68 responses to “Rita’s Random Fic Recs – Sunday Special!

  1. dpennell007

    Yes! So excited to see Mercward back again. And double yes for The Masked Prince! I finally got around to reading Stealing Bella even though it’s been pulled, and a long ago rec Cowboys and Angles from Ajfflady I think. Loved both of them!

    My two recs are: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8762083/1/

    Working Relationship By: TBandJelly
    Bella, a fledgling lawyer, has better luck in a courtroom than with men. Enter the hottie in the pricey suit who offers to pay double her going rate, and he’s not talking legal fees. The pair find themselves deep in a compensation-based misunderstanding until a few months later when she realizes she may be in love with her one and only regular.



    The Sky Is Painted With Red By: IsisIvy
    Seven billion people live on Earth. Only a small percentage know of the darkness beneath them. Those people are known as Human Donors. My name is Bella Swan, and I am a human donor. ExB, Vampward, short chaps w/ frequent updates, M for usual.
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance/Supernatural – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 55 – Words: 145,842 – Reviews: 1,584 – Favs: 1,215 – Follows: 1,385 – Updated: Nov 29, 2016 – Published: Apr 1, 2012 – Status: Complete – id: 7980116

    My first rec is a fabulous one-shot, and the second one has tons of grammar errors, and an Edward who needs to have his neck wrung, but I couldn’t walk away without finding out how it would end.

  2. Great stories, Reetz…Bad me, I haven’t read ‘The Masked Prince’… TBR list. I love ‘A Big Enough Umbrella’ and ‘Lonely in Your Nightmare’… Both had me at the first word… And I need to reread the Gravity series… HUGE hugs, Gabby

    • rita01tx

      Oh, Gabby darlin’! If you start the Gravity series again, we won’t see hide nor hair of you for MONTHS!!! But they are so worth investin’ that much time in them ’cause Mercward has got to be the hottest, most bestest Edward ever!

  3. A surprise Sunday delight. Yes! Hello dear Rita. Mercward returns for another wild ride. Sweet! Excited to revisit sexy Old School too. Will put the two WIPs on alert. They look good. As you know I’ve been reading amnesia fics, some of them rec’d to me on the last RA post. So far I’ve enjoyed them all. I’m almost half-way through the last on my list. Just before I started my amnesia fic marathon, I reread a fic that I loved. It’s called The Western by kts. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7625549/1/The-Western Edward is a hit-man with one rule; he doesn’t do women. When he learns his next target is Bella, he makes a decision that ends up changing his life – and hers.
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Drama/Romance – Edward, Bella – Chapters: 25 – Words: 89,662 – Reviews: 765 – Favs: 774 – Follows: 437 – Updated: Jun 2, 2012 – Published: Dec 10, 2011 – Status: Complete – id: 7625549

  4. dpennell007

    Loved The Western! It’s on my favorite list.

  5. edwardsvamptramp69

    I’m ashamed to say I’ve never read the Gravity series, but I certainly will now! 🙂

  6. Sus

    Can you please tell me where I can get pdf of the Gravity Series? Thanks…

  7. kitt

    Just checking in to say hi and glad to see when your email pops up in my inbox–any darn day of the week!!!!! 🙂

  8. Aww, thank you, darlin’ Rita, for the beautiful rec and all your support and love for Old School. MWAH!

  9. Thanks Rita for all rec’d 🙂

    I have them all on alert and can’t wait to see( read) where Deb will lead this time with Gravity 😉

    I didn’t read as much sa I wanted but anyway I read this one
    Everyone has secrets, and everyone has wishes. We hope that the latter come true, and secrets…well, we tend to hope they’re never unearthed. When Bella’s son discovers a time capsule in the woods, her graduating class is going to need a lot more than hope. Same applies to her high school teacher, Edward Cullen.
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance/Drama – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 17 – Words: 53,058 – Reviews: 1,696 – Favs: 1,017 – Follows: 1,353 – Updated: Oct 16 – Published: Jul 30 – Status: Complete – id: 12593077

    and this is to read after the first chapter
    They’d known each other once. He’d been her English teacher in high school, and the husband of her aunt. Eight years later, Bella just wants to make sure he’s happy, and so she crashes the Christmas party she knows he attends in Seattle every year. She really should go, but…baby, it’s cold outside.
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance – Bella, Edward – Words: 4,964 – Reviews: 357 – Favs: 681 – Follows: 959 – Published: Nov 22, 2015 – id: 11628838
    and two O/S from sheviking

    Practically Perfect in Every Way
    Edward has a big secret and Bella is about to get way more than she bargained for. Entry for the BDE contest.
    Twilight – Rated: M – English – Romance – Chapters: 1 – Words: 9,377 – Reviews: 75 – Favs: 158 – Follows: 104 – Published: Oct 21 – Bella, Edward – Complete

    Bartered Betrothal
    In the era of America’s New Deal, wealthy bank owner Edward Cullen seizes the opportunity for a deal of his own when a poor tenant farmer family asks for his help. They need their land. He needs a wife. Perhaps Mr. Swan should’ve thought twice before bringing his only daughter to the meeting. First Place Public Vote & validator Jayne-With-a-Y’s pick in Age of Edward 2017
    Twilight – Rated: M – English – Drama/Romance – Chapters: 1 – Words: 12,973 – Reviews: 242 – Favs: 403 – Follows: 298 – Published: Oct 14 – Bella, Edward – Complete

    and the other day somebody shared Virgins & Villains and I was gone to reread this one *face palm*

    • dpennell007

      I voted for both of sheviking’s one-shots in the contests they were in. She is an excellent writer.

      And I was waiting to see if CaraNo was going to finish Secrets & Wishes before I jumped in! Thanks for the notification.

      • Hope shewiking will have time to finish My Viking and The Blizzard … both are excellent

        as for CaraNo now I just need time to read Bastard Girl 🙂 Secrets&Wishes was great read 🙂

        • rita01tx

          She says she will finish them both…someday *sigh!* I refuse to give up on either story LOL!
          And, while I enjoyed Secrets & Wishes, I was somewhat disappointed in Bastard Girl. Seemed a bit rushed from the middle onwards, as if she wasn’t sure where to go with it but wanted to hit that complete button at all costs!

          • well let’s hope she will finish them Rita 🙂

            hmm Bastard Girl will wait I just don’t have time to read it and if you say that you was disappointed… I will wait when my tbr list is less impressive than it’s now 🙂

            • rita01tx

              If yours is like mine, it will never be less impressive, Zveka darlin’! Don’t let me put you off just because I don’t think it’s up to her usual standards…it’s just MY opinion!

    • rita01tx

      All of those were great reads, Zveka darlin’!

  10. rita01tx

    Little trip down memory lane on YouTube…Biel is da bomb!

  11. Hello, y’all! I haven’t popped up for a while but I have certainly been reading… What a choice batch of recs, Rita – thanks so much. Since so many of you are Muppet-flailing over the return of Mercward, I guess I’ll have to start the Gravity series. See, Paula, you’re not the only one to have missed out all this time! The Masked Prince looks awesome, as does the new Robzbeanie story. A Big Enough Umbrella is intriguing too, so I guess I’ll start with Old School. So many of you endorsed “The Western” that I’m going to have to move that up on my TBR list as well.

    Funny that you should mention not having read anything by Robzbeanie before, as I just finished “Grad Night” (which has 11,000 reviews!). It’s very long (250K?) and on a topic I would normally pass on (virgin Bella gets pregnant from a one-night stand with a rising rock star), but dang if she didn’t hook me right in despite the pregnancy and new-baby storyline. She does a wonderful job with the development of Edward from Jerkward to Sweetward, and her Bella is an interesting character too. She tends to be relentlessly detailed in her descriptions of daily routine, rather like canon (I just didn’t care that Bella was cooking dinner AGAIN), but still – I kept right on reading. Oh, and did I mention the hot sexing? No?

    Of all the other stuff I’ve read in the last few months, my top pick would be “How Do I Live” by Bethesda Gray (yet another New Moon story, so well done). It was finished in 2010, but her newest story “Something Beautiful Remains” hasn’t updated since August.

    I’m also in the process of rereading/finishing/reviewing “Saudade” by VioletBliss and “The Monster in Me” by Edward’s Eternal, both excellent in very different ways, but I believe you rec’d both of those, Rita, so I don’t need to say any more.

    Oh my, still drooling over the Biel video – thanks for sharing!

    • rita01tx

      Renee darlin’! *JUMPYHUGS!* “Where you been, chica?” You’re definitely spoiled for choice from all our recs and none of them will disappoint!
      Both Grad Night and How Do I Live sound like fics I’d love to get lost in…thanks!!!
      In fact, there’s another story with the same premise: “virgin Bella gets pregnant from a one-night stand with a rising rock star”
      Can’t remember the title or author but Edward’s latest tour ends in Seattle and he wanders into an old diner where he meets Renee first and then her daughter shows up to take her shift and he nearly falls of his stool ’cause he’d never been able to get Bella out of his head!

  12. rita01tx

    GAAAAH! (Rant Alert)
    So, y’all know I’m a staunch E/B fan but I let myself be distracted by the summary of a J/B story that looked interestin’.
    Well, I just burned all the daylight I had on it and it stunk…that’s the kindest word I have for it! Okay, the kids were cute…there, that’s kinder!
    Don’t you just hate wastin’ your time on a story that didn’t live up to your expectations?
    (End Rant)

  13. dpennell007

    I recently finished and enjoyed Head over Feet by iambeagle. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7829578/1/

    Head over Feet By: iambeagle
    It’s simple, really. A story about two best friends realizing they’re head over feet in love.
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance/Humor – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 16 – Words: 35,171 – Reviews: 3,098 – Favs: 3,037 – Follows: 3,087 – Updated: Oct 6 – Published: Feb 13, 2012 – Status: Complete – id: 7829578

    From reading the reviews I figured out it was originally 18 chapters, but she went back in, took them out and left the ending at chapter 16 – which is how I read it. I wonder if anyone has the other 2 chapters because now I’m curious about the original ending.


    Sweetwordsofmine https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7019621/sweetwordsofmine was writing a story I loved A Gentleman and His Lady which I’m guessing she pulled around September. The fanfiction app in my phone has a Library which shows your reading history for the past 300 stories or so. Anyway – I can see all the reviews (the last was from a guest on 8-22-17) and I can read chapters 1-22 (where she stopped) on my phone, but I can’t figure out how to download it to either my phone, or my laptop. Every time I try to download it, it goes to the website where it has been pulled. Anyway, I’m glad to know about the little quirk that saved it to my phone, but now that I can’t get it on my laptop, I want it! lol.

  14. dpennell007

    You are the BEST! Don’t ever leave me. lol

  15. wanted to share this one … and it’s just sample entry for the contest

    SAMPLE ENTRY. As a photojournalist, Edward studies human emotion, but his own feelings are closely guarded. Bella hides nothing, her feelings as free and open as her heart. Frame by frame, Edward feels himself being pulled closer. But is he ready to step out from behind the camera and into life?
    Rated: Fiction M – English – Bella, Edward – Words: 15,535 – Reviews: 63 – Favs: 78 – Follows: 57 – Published: Nov 7 – Status: Complete – id: 12716885

    excellent O/s and this is just sample … what the real entry will be!!!…
    …in this story the thing about health care in Italy is the only faux pas for me 🙂

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