Tag Archives: Chicagochi4183

Random Rita ~ Friday Feature Fics!


Evenin’, ladies!

Well, I’ve had some serious distractions from readin’ the Angel Series book 2 this week and these are some of the main culprits LOL!

I swear, sometimes there just no resistin’ the lure of an excitin’ new WIP!

ROB ATTACKhttps://www.fanfiction.net/s/12392293/1/Kaleidoscope

Carl Jung once said that the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. If this is indeed true, what purpose do we serve if everything we are is a lie? Does existence define us, or do we define existence? Boldly, I walk towards my destiny to find out. (Full summary in Chapter One.)

Rated: Fiction M – English – Crime/Mystery – Chapters: 3 – Words: 5,933 – Reviews: 48 – Favs: 41 – Follows: 85 – Updated: Mar 14 – Published: Mar 5 – id: 12392293

CIA agent, Edward Cullen, is…well, different!

My oldest memories are like fractured shards of glass, blurry and distorted. People tell me that it is because of the accident, the specifics of which are lost to me. No matter how hard I pull on the recesses of my mind, they have remained frustratingly out of reach.

“What do you see?”

The susurrus words break through my consciousness as coiled images whirl around me. The warped colors make it impossible to distinguish anything tangible. My stomach revolts, searing me from the inside as it fights against itself. I don’t know if I can do this. To the right, a shadowy figure emerges. My breath falters, panic closing off my air.

“Deep breaths. Remember, you are only an observer. Nothing can hurt you here.”

I force myself to suck in a mouthful of sour air, slowly pushing it back out through my nose. One, two, three, four, five. Panic transforms into cold detachment. Watch and report. That is my only job here today.

“What do you see?”

Hmmm, there might be something different about Bella, too…can’t quite put my finger on it yet!

Holding the gun steady, I carefully turn the knob and throw it open.

Barreling through, the unexpected image steals my already choked breath. The room, although shaken by the blast, is in better shape than the previous one. Sitting against a barren wall is a woman, an incredibly beautiful woman. She looks tiny against the vast space, her slight frame shaking. She is holding an unconscious man, blood dripping to the floor from a nasty gash on his head.

Held captive by her sorrowful russet eyes, I find myself hesitating to move. Taking advantage of my slip up, I watch as her expression alters, a sudden chill stealing the warmth that held me spellbound.

Like flipping a switch, her face transforms into an unsettling sneer, and with ruthless conviction, her hand snakes around to level me with the barrel of a gun.

Cocking back the hammer, she holds her arm steady. “You have one second to tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right where you stand.”

Well, this certainly makes things a bit more interesting.

Another “drop everything” story I can’t wait to see update!


ROB ATTACKhttps://www.fanfiction.net/s/10948629/1/Swansong

My name is Isabella. On my 23rd birthday I found out that Tanya Denali, my mother, stole me from my biological parents as a baby. You’ve seen the movie, but this is my version. This is my Swansong.

Rated: Fiction M – English – Hurt/Comfort/Family – Bella, Edward – Chapters: 40 – Words: 139,570 – Reviews: 551 – Favs: 403 – Follows: 685 – Updated: Mar 16 – Published: Jan 5, 2015 – id: 10948629

Landin’ in jail on your birthday is bad enough! Learnin’ something that will change your life forever is quite another!

“Isabella, last night when you were detained, we took your fingerprints.

Now, legally, police keep a database of fingerprints from different crimes and crime scenes across the country. Are you aware of this?” I shook my head.

“Well, one of those databases is a missing persons database. Now, when we put your fingerprints into the database, they came up as a 92% match for a missing person’s case from 19-. Is that the year you were born?” I nodded.

“Okay, well, a 92% match is actually quite a high match. High enough that we have to reopen the case, alright? For you, all this means is that you have to make an appointment to come back and talk to me in a week, alright?” I nodded.

“Isabella, I need verbal confirmation that you understand what I’m saying.”

“No, I get it. I need to come talk to you in a week. I’ll make the appointment. Please, can I please go home?” Detective Rourke smiled and nodded, before standing up. She opened the door, and walked me out to a desk.

Lucky for her, Detective Edward Cullen is assigned to her case…not that their first meetin’ goes altogether smoothly LOL!

As I walked into the room, Detective Cullen sat up and looked towards me. The first thing I noticed was his hair. As anyone who has seen the pictures of him can attest to, it’s a strange color that’s not-quite red and not-quite brown. He ran a hand through it, before standing up and extending a hand to me.

I noticed the next few things all at once. His amazing jawline. His height. His captivating green eyes. The muscle visible in his forearms, as he wore a button up with rolled-up sleeves rather than a police uniform. It took me a second to reach out and shake his hand, he was that captivating. For one brief moment, I had a positive outlook on this whole situation. Then, reality came crashing down around me and I opened my big mouth.

“How are you old enough to be a detective?” To this day he doesn’t believe me, but I swear I meant to ask that question in my head. I didn’t even realize I had asked it aloud until he dropped my hand and took a step back.

“Is my age going to be a concern for you, Isabella?” He spoke slowly, like he was afraid I couldn’t hear him or like I would burst out in tears any second. It made me wonder what the other officers had told him about me.

“No. I was just curious.” I said. Because of his tone, I was determined to keep it together.

“Please, have a seat.” He wasn’t smiling, but he was still using that gentle tone. I wondered if he always sounded like that. Suddenly, he seemed much less attractive. I sat down across from him at the desk, where he surveyed me quietly for a moment.

“How old are you? How long have you been doing this?” Edward sighed, seeming a tiny bit frustrated, but then pulled himself together again so quickly that I wasn’t sure I hadn’t imagined it.

“If it will make you feel more confident. I am twenty-eight. I have been doing this for around four years. I have worked on six high-profile cases, as well as several local cases. I have solved every case I have worked on so far.” I nodded, deciding that I wasn’t going to give him the privilege of me being impressed. The more he spoke in that careful, calm tone, the more I could feel something slowly building up.

I wondered if all of his other cases had been young children, but there was no way I was going to ask.

All kiddin’ aside, this is an amazingly well thought out exploration of what someone who learns they aren’t who they always thought they were might go through and how it would effect them and everyone they know or ever knew or will know in the future!


ROB ATTACKhttps://www.fanfiction.net/s/11848233/1/The-Watcher

The vampire world has changed now that the Vampires have realized things as they once knew them were wrong. It is only Edward’s ability to read minds that allows him to be the watcher to uncover everyone’s secrets.

Rated: Fiction M – English – Romance – Edward – Chapters: 25 – Words: 41,300 – Reviews: 677 – Favs: 179 – Follows: 270 – Updated: Mar 6 – Published: Mar 19, 2016 – Status: Complete – id: 11848233

Currently, the vampires in control were the Volturi, led by three vampires who worked together, including a group of guards who helped them maintain rules and order among all of vampire kind. The Volturi looked for vampires with special skills, such as mine, so they could use us to their advantage to keep other vampires from getting strong enough to take over.

One might wonder how that worked, when we all have free will, but the Volturi have a way of persuading you to do their bidding. They pay, plead, steal and even blackmail to get what they want from you. And sometimes, they are an escape from something you can no longer bear, such as was the case with me.

The new discovery that rocked the vampire world, was the perfect opportunity for me to part ways with my family with a plausible excuse so I would not have to be surrounded by something I had never been able to find for myself, my mate.

Oh, but the world literally tilts on its axis when Edward finally does find his mate!

I heard and saw the handle turn at the same moment that it passed across Heidi’s mind as she mentally made her presence and intentions known to me.

Edward?. . .You decent? I’m coming in. . .

Just as Heidi opened the door enough to allow us to see her, Bella’s shaking ceased, her hands moved forward, aimed at Heidi and she hissed furiously.

“He is mine!” Bella roared out as an explosion rocked forward from her outstretched hands. Heidi didn’t even have a moment to register the movement from my mate before stones, shingles, wooden beams, fabric, furnishings, glass and any other object that could be physically ripped from the ground, room and castle walls and floors and thrown in her direction, went flying creating a barrier of rubble between us.

I stood there, staring at the devastation, seeing the way that everything had been seized from its place and foundations, and seamlessly ripped up creating a perfect line in its wake as it rolled forward and heaved upwards, forming a blockade between where I stood beside Bella and where Heidi had just been standing.

My mouth gaped as wide as a fish as I started, taking in the scene.

As I gained enough of my senses to close my mouth, I turned away to look at Bella to make sure she was okay. And I realized that she no longer shook, but now just trembled slightly as her hands began to return to her sides. The swirling in her eyes, now a mild whirl, more golden than any other color. . . and only a single thought crossed my mind.

What the heck was that?

If you’ve read her pulled story, Captive, you know you’re in for one helluva ride!


{Since I can’t figure out how to get gifs to work when I add words to them, I wanted to show you the gorgeous one I used for the banner!}

C’mon, ladies! Share your own latest discoveries!

Happy Friday, y’all!




Filed under Fan Fiction Recs, Rita01tx