FanFiction Fridays – A Dabble in the Drabble Part 2

Last week on FanFiciton Fridays – A Dabble in the Drabble Part 1 we took a technical look at the literary format of Drabble writing and I rec’d two 100 word Drabble’s that had made an impression on me when I read them.

This week I am moving on to the Drabble-type fic, which appears to me to be a full literary work written with shorter or shortened chapters. We are seeing that, “Sometimes the name Drabble is given to any short piece of fiction writing that contains less than 1000 words.”

So, when we were discussing Drabble’s last week, some of you mentioned how much you enjoy the Drabble’s written by the exceptionally talented CaraNo well I totally agree!

I am a huge fan of CaraNo’s writing and have been following her work for quite some time now. I also belong to her Closed Facebook  Group (18+) where we discuss all of her “Drabble-ish fics”,  as she calls them on her  CaraNo Profile. She has actually written five of them; they are all excellent stories, with unique and captivating storylines that are well-written and all of them have been a pleasure to read.

They are as listed (each banner is an active link to access the story on

And, last but certainly not least, my first rec for this week, CaraNos most recent WIP, a “Drabble-ish fic” appropriately titled Together.

We started our Together journey on Nov. 10/11 and we already have 59 chapters and the storyline is going strong. This fic will be complete at 90 chapters, it is written in EPOV and is labeled  Family/Hurt/Comfort, and I must say it is definitely living up to these categories. Wow, it’s a wonderfully intense storyline that will have you aching to read the next chapter.

Diner owner Edward is secretly and romantically involved with one of his employees, Bella, but she is off-limits outside of work for a variety of reasons. Bella has secrets of her own, struggles that Edward wants to eradicate from her complicated life for her, but that is more easily said than done.

Chapter 2:

The rain is pouring down outside.

You’re not here, but… you haven’t called in sick.

I worry about you.

I sigh when Rose knocks on the door. She knows my misery. She knows about yours even more, which is why she understands that I can’t back off.

“She doesn’t answer the phone,” my sister tells me. Sadly.

Full of pity.

The pain is indescribable.

“I figured,” I mutter.

And Rose goes back to the kitchen.

Time to open the diner.

When I come home that night, Kate has questions… concerns.

You’re her best friend.

She’d kill me if she knew.

Together weaves an intricate storyline of Edward’s journey as he tries to discern how to overcome some major life-obstacles, so he can have a “real” and complete family; a lifelong relationship with Bella and her 5-year-old daughter, Sophie. He has the support of his sister Rose and Bella’s “best friend” Kate, but will all their combined support and strength be enough to help Bella overcome the series of obstacles in her way to a Happily Ever After, Together with Edward?

This story is completely enthralling, and it will have you guessing at every turn. You will be constantly formulating hypothesis as to whom and/or what is going to happen as the story continues. I have been reading since day 1 and I absolutely love this, and like all of CaraNo’s stories, it is very addicting. I’m certain that if you aren’t already reading this, you will not be disappointed when you do. I highly recommend reading this lovely fic. 😀

Summary for Together: “Edward tries. He tries hard, and he won’t give up. No matter the obstacle, he’ll work for their future. A future where they’re together. EPOV drabbles.

Twilight – Rated: M – English – Family/Hurt/Comfort – Chapters: 55 – Words: 14,033 – Reviews: 3589 – Updated: 11-16-11 – Published: 11-10-11 – Edward & Bella”

CaraNo’s Blog


My second Drabble-type fic rec for this week is called Drowning, not waving by the creative author Bower-of-Bliss.

I didn’t start this WIP when it first started posting, it had been rec’d to me by numerous friends, but I didn’t jump into this pool of literary goodness until there were about 80 chapters posted, but when I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down! Drowning, not waving  is so amusing, it will have you literally lol, it’s great! So far we have 99 chapters and the author informed me we have about another 10-20 left before  it is complete.

The story begins with 30 yr old Bella Swan, who is actually a Speech Pathologist by trade, but teaches swimming lessons Sunday mornings for enjoyment. Bella is frustrated because, even though she has a great professional life, her personal life is quite lacking and it’s absolutely hilarious when Bella starts having life-assessing discussions with her vagina named Libby [a.k.a. ({‘}) ]. 😉 There are many entertaining conversations between Bella and Libby throughout the story, but they really get interesting when she meets the swoonworthy 27 yr old Edward Cullen, while teaching her new Waterbabes Daddy & Baby Swim Class.

Chapter 15:

“As the beautiful couple walk toward us, it plays out like a scene in a movie. They appear to be walking in slow motion.

The glamazon, who is momentarily preoccupied by something within the cavernous depths of her enormous leather diaper bag, appears to walk with the poise and grace of a runway supermodel.

Her long, soft, golden hair bounces prettily with every step, and as she passes by each of the narrow windows that are evenly dispersed along the length of the wall, her hair shines brilliantly in the sunlight.

Staring at the gorgeous woman, I feel as though I’m watching a TV commercial for Pantene.

The blond-bombshell has a figure that is to die for. Her legs are statuesque. Her neck is regal, and her breasts, although quite ample, don’t overwhelm her frame.

({‘}) I would totally go bisexual for her.

I’m not interested in becoming bisexual.

({‘}) But it would increase your chances of getting laid by fifty percent!

I’m allergic to pussy, anyway.

({‘}) You’re allergic to cats; it’s not the same thing.

I’m about to argue with her, but my mind is distracted by the breathtaking man who is pushing what looks to be one of those expensive Orbit Baby pushchairs that all the spawning celebs are going gaga over.

He is…

Devastatingly gorgeous.

Jaw-droppingly handsome.

Panty melting hotness.

({‘}) Wow!

You can say that again.

({‘}) Wow!


Um…what was that?

({‘}) I hate to be the one to tell you this, Bella, but I think your left ovary just exploded.”

LMAO, oh ladies you have to read this story, it really is excellent. Not only is it very amusing, there is some major UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension) going on in this well-written and involved storyline. Without giving away too many details, because the complexity and mystery of the character’s personas is part of the draw of this story, as you read Drowning, not waving you will discover there is much more to Edward and his family than originally meets the eye. I am thoroughly enjoying this Humor/Romance story, and anxiously await the daily updates.

Summary for Drowning, not waving : “She’s the swim instructor who teaches the Daddy and Baby Classes. Although he’s a forbidden man, her attraction to the new daddy, Edward, is instantaneous. Can Bella drown her libido and maintain her professionalism? B x E x H2O equals slippery when wet.

Twilight – Rated: M – English – Humor/Romance – Chapters: 98 – Words: 66,607 – Reviews: 4331 – Updated: 11-15-11 – Published: 9-16-11 – Bella & Edward”


So, there you have it, two FanFiction Fridays entailing A Dabble in the Drabble.  As the popularity of this unique writing format continues to grow, I am certain we will also continue to see more original and interesting Drabble FanFiction stories.

Please share what’s been owning you this week in the FanFiction world. xx MC


Filed under Edward A M Cullen, Fan Fiction Friday, Fan Fiction Recs, FFF Library, Twilight, Writing

22 responses to “FanFiction Fridays – A Dabble in the Drabble Part 2

  1. “River” is really a great drabble fick. Another short, but very sexy one, which is complete at 16 chapters, is “Addicted,” by cosmogirl7481. Read it!

  2. Hi MC and all!!

    CaraNo’s fics are certainly stories of legend. She is amazing, every one of her stories I have read, I have really enjoyed.

    I have not read Drowning, Not Waving, so that one goes on the list 🙂

    This week I had to give myself a rest from the Actorwards I have been reading and I started Work of Art by abstractway which for some strange reason I had not read before. OMG, this story is amazing. I can’t believe I have not started it before!

    I think after this breath of fresh air, I can get back to those Actorwards I need to check out!

    I hope you are all having a fabulous week! oxo AV

  3. All that I can say about CaraNo’s Together, is it totally OWNS me. I started reading on day one, and it’s the only WIP that I will read immediately, even if it’s on my phone. It’s amazing how 100 words can pack such a punch. The angst is high on this story. The last couple chapters made me want to stab myself with a dull knife.

    Two stories that I just finished reading this week are, Unexpected Circumstances by Savage7288. It is now completed, so if you’ve been waiting to read it, DO IT. I love her writing style. She does the BEST EPOV out there. Here’s the link:

    Also, YellowGlue’s Trippin, Slippin, Stumbletumblin, is an amazingly intense AU story. For some reason it’s not on her profile, but it might posted somewhere else. I do have it in PDF form if someone wants it. She also mentioned that if you PM her, she would respond to your requests. I actually have her others stories available too. This particular story is very lyrical and poetic in style, so romantic, intense and beautiful. I LOVED it.

    In other news, I going to see BD1 with SmittenKitten and RobSexMe at 4pm today!!!! Yay ME!!!!

    • Nicole

      LOL Katie. Have fun bb! I’m going again this AM…GAH it is awesome you will love it. Give Smitten a hug from me bb.

      Yeah I love Savage’s story’s. I read all her stuff too! Can’t wait for her to start up again on her Vamp story she had started before Halloween! UC was awesome…a bit angsty at times, but it is just part of Shay’s charm as a writer.

      Nice seeing you on today and you ladies go and enjoy BD.

    • miniaturemom12

      Katiebirdie, please send me the Yellowglue fic. I thought I had it but I do not :(. THANKS!!!
      You guys have a ball at BD1!

    • Hey, I hear that you have a pdf of Unexpected Circumstances? Could you PLEASE email a copy of it to me? I love the story so much, and have been searching high and low for it in pdf form ever since it was completed. My personal email is: a sweet sunrise @ g mail . com (just without the spaces). Thanx!

  4. kalaekalae

    Great post, thank you MC

  5. Nicole

    Hola H00Rs and Anglez…not alot of time, but I wanted to fly in here real quick…saw BD last night and going to see at 10AM again…hence my hurried nature right now.

    I love all of CaraNo’s stuff and try to read all she writes, so I know of her work. The other I have put on alerts. Thanks MC for all the nice rec’s.

    Here is a totally FuckHawt new drabble…check it out ladies! Damn this drabble will suck you right in there!!! She just posted this the other day and it is really good! I love her work and she has a way with the humor and lemons!

    Addicted- by cosmogirl7481

    Character(s): Bella & Edward
    Genre(s): Romance/Humor
    Rating: Rated: M
    Summary: Bella has a secret. But how long can she really keep it in the
    closet? A sexy little story with humor and drama. ExB, AH, and OOC. Rated M
    dirty language and content of a sexual nature.

    Must get ready to leave but wanted to come in real quick to give at least one rec. See ya later! 😉

    • Nicole! Guess what I am doing RIGHT NOW?! Pre-reading/editing Breach for an update tomorrow! It’s soooooooo good! 😀

      Thanks for recing Addicted, I have it in my inbox but hadn’t started it yet, but if it’s that good I should start it. xo

      • Nicole

        Oh good. I love Breach!! That’s right…I did read that you were a Beta for that story…well I frigging love it!!! “You go girl…and help make it even better!” 😉

        Yes bb, you will love Addicted! I love Cosmogirls stuff too. She has a wicked sense of humor and does a fab job on the lemons.

        Anyone here see BD yet??? Damn I want to discuss with another TwiFan, but have to wait. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. Just got back after my second run on BD. I went last night with my stylist and he is crazy…plus we had been sipping a bit of the Vino before going, so today I picked up some things I had missed or had too much RobHAZE and VinoFOG to be able to see all I needed to….ROFL! Well hell, it was fun, fun hanging with some of my more crazy pals and then hanging with my pal Anthony. We get together and turn the town upside down now and then.

        Seriously, though read Addicted, and this one too….
        bloody hell, it is just really starting to crank!!

        The Learning Curve- by Amethyst Jackson

        Character(s): Bella & Edward
        Genre(s): Romance/Humor
        Rating: Rated: M
        Summary: AU and AH. Short chapters with daily updates. When Bella’s boyfriend
        brings up the issue of her virginity with his ex, she decides to take charge
        of her own fate.

  6. Thanks MC, I love Cara No and though I had read most of her stories but I now have a few more to enjoy. Drowning Not Waving caught my eye early on as I have been meaning to start it but it’s the usual story, so much fan-fic yet so little time. I’m a fan of cosmogirl also and Addicted is another fic that I have wanted to start, fingers crossed I will soon.

    I saw BD last night and already I’m wondering when can I see it again LOL I hope you all enjoy it too.

    • Nicole

      Hi Cared…I’ve seen it twice myself. Email me when you get a chance so we can discuss it. or if your on Yahoo and use IM you can catch me there too.

      I’d love to get your opinion on a few things!! Ciao bella…

  7. haystackhair

    OMG! UC is complete? I need to finish it! I had to take a break, it was hurting my heart. Love her work. All these drabble stories sound great too! Going to see BD tomorrow, and probably the day after that too. LOL. Happy Friday ladies!

  8. miniaturemom12

    I don’t have any of these!? Adding and downloading all. I love Fridays here! Thanks ladies.

  9. Thanks for the recs, MC and ladies! I really love “River” by CaraNo, it’s my favorite now and “Together” is also very good. So is “Drowning, not waving”. I have very little time so I just try and keep up with the WIPs I’m reading. I just started reading “If we ever meet again” and I’m definitely addicted. The UST is…ugh.
    The drabble that kept me panting for more is “The plan” by QuantumFizzx, which I’m sure most of you have already read. If you haven’t, well run do it!

    • Nicole

      Hi bb…and yep those are both good. Anything by CaraNo is also a good read,

      For any of the ladies that haven’t started reading Steph’s story’s too…she has two that are really good.

      Homework and her Drabble fic….Last Interview In Paris….go and read them if your not!! 🙂

      Damn Homework was awesome yesterday…*snickering loudly…It was even Anthony approved, and let me tell you…he is such a pickey little shit. He was reading over my shoulder as he was blow drying my hair and he loved it. Now I’m trying to get him to start reading some FFn stories too. He’ll do it, or I’ll smack him upside the head…LMAO. He is like my own flesh and blood brother and I’m a year and 1/2 older than him, so I’m going to pull rank.*

    • Oh, I loved If We Ever Meet Again and it quickly became one of my favourite ever stories, I’m sure I’ve recd it here before as a Geekward is one of my two weaknesses. pattyrose is a really talented author, I found her through This Is Who I Am, I think it may be been recd here by AllyVera and I am currently reading her WIP Thief Of Hearts. Undercover FBIward and Thiefella know to hike up the UST plus the story line is very interesting as there is more going on that it seems. It’s the kind of story what would make a good film and I know just the man for the lead LOL.

      Edward Cullen, successful business exec/playboy/all around bad boy. Bella Swan, divorced mom/graphic artist/unwilling to trust her heart to the likes of someone like Edward again. Will she give him a chance? Does he even deserve one? AH, AU ExB
      FBI Agent Edward Cullen knows the assignment: Go undercover & infiltrate the ring. Bring them down. He doesn’t bargain on the mysterious thief who turns the case upside down, or on the mortal danger protecting her will put them both in. E&B OOC

  10. I forget to say that “If we ever meet again” is complete :)!

  11. somanywards

    MC thank you for the recs BB!
    Looking fwd to Together and others***

    *BD was everything I’d hoped and more*

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